Sunday, July 09, 2006

Senior Dream Team 2008

My slate for 2008, on a Democratic or Independent ticket: President, George McGovern; Vice President, Birch Bayh SENIOR. (Not Evan, his turncoat plastic son who has the conceit that he will run for president. Hmpfh.) McGovern should appoint Jimmy Carter as Secretary of State and Lee Hamilton as Ambassador to the UN. Secretary of Defense, Wesley Clark. Attorney General, Ramsey Clark. Secretary of the Treasury, Paul Krugman (he's pretty young, I guess). These people would be better than anybody serving in government right now. Excellence and integrity.


dddonna said...

These guys are all getting rather "long in the tooth" but I do believe that they are men of integrity which we do not have in office right now.

dddonna said...

P.S. My word verification for the previous comment was "fatck." How did the damn blog know that I am a fat chick?

JT Evans said...

Did you ever meet the funny guy at Longcliff State Hospital who was the A-V man? Can't remember his name. He used a voice like Westbrook Van Voorhees (Time Marches On!) when doing educational stuff for the staff, strictly camp, and he was hilarious. Anyhow, he had a little red car with a bumper sticker that said "No Fat Chicks." Funny thing was, he married a Cindy, who was, let's say, not Calista Flockhart. He and Stuart and Cy and the Daves from India were some of the people who made that place less dreary.

JT Evans said...

I forgot Jean Wandrei and Tim Chu. And the guy's first name was Jack, I think.

Anonymous said...

So far my choices for pres include Gore, Wesley Clark, Edwards and Feingold. Warner might get me to warm up to him.

For VP, I'm liking one of the Dem. governors out west from Kansas and Montana.

Carter and Hamilton in anything would be great.