Monday, July 17, 2006

Hell: Hot or Cold?

We're havin' a heatwave right now. Heat index is >100 right now. Always makes me think of The Seven-Year Itch starring Marilyn Monroe and Tom Ewell. I love that movie, with Marilyn standing over the subway grating (no need to describe all -- every redblooded male in America knows it well) and Tom's fantasies of her (he in a housecoat and ascot) while Rachmaninoff's piano concerto thunders on the soundtrack. I remember an old friend, Al St. Paul, ex-master sergeant from WWII days. He is one of those whose association I wished had extended back to the days when we were both practicing drunks so we could have drunk together. (Right now, watching The World's Fastest Indian --thanks, son, for a great recommend -- I recall that Anthony Hopkins is a recovering alcoholic and I would have loved to drink with him but I digress.) Anyhow, Al speculated that, if Eskimos had written the Bible rather than the people of the hot Holy Land, then we would have the depiction of hell as cold rather than hot.

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