Saturday, July 15, 2006

Call from Johnnie

John called on his cell phone from Georgia, en route to Augusta to see Adam. J's on vacation. Looking forward to seeing him (and Nat Sue and Mandy) next weekend. John woke me from a nap. We went to a funeral in Seymour on this hot, humid day (and I froze in the church's a-c). It was Rozz's cousin Bekki, who was 41, killed in a car accident in Colorado last week. Uncle Eddie and his family are good people and their girl's death broke their hearts. I recall Bekki coming to visit Rosie's dad at the Columbus hospital twice and I thought she didn't have to do that. But she was a sweet, thoughtful girl. We went in a funeral procession from Seymour to Vernon and there wasn't room enough under that tent they put up for graveside ceremonies and I stood in the blazing sun while the preacher delivered his second sermon telling us that if we didn't have Jesus in our lives we wouldn't spend eternity with Bekki in heaven. When he finally shut up Rosie and I got away and drove on a county road out of Vernon, trying to bypass North Vernon. We were going to go back to a dinner at the church. I made a wrong turn or two but we had fun. Then I was really so lost that we ended up back in Seymour too late for the dinner. We were both very hungry so we ate at Cracker Barrel -- chicken and rice, and Rosie had raspberry iced tea, which she loves. I said it was a good thing I didn't make it back to the church because I might have told the preacher that I think his theology is a bunch of cruel horse shit and if anybody is right about grace, it would be Phil Gulley and Jim Mulholland, co-authors of If Grace Is True: Why God Will Save Every Person. Rosie said, Well, today wouldn't be a good day to tangle with him and I agreed.


JT Evans said...

Even better by Gulley and Mulholland is "If God Is Love: Rediscovering Grace in an Ungracious World."

CherylRenee said...

the sermon does sound cruel. I thought funerals were supposed to bring some comfort.

Anonymous said...

It's only by the grace of God that He loves YOU.

dddonna said...

I hope that you listened to PHC this weekend because Keillor told in the News from Lake Woebegon about the funeral of his cousin when they were teenagers. An itenerant preacher gave a "hell fire and brimstone" sermon at the funeral to try to save all the young ones. You would have related to it.

dddonna said...

Sorry about my spelling of itinerant. I'm not as good as I used to be. DE

JT Evans said...

GK gave a pretty good impression of the H&BS (Hellfire and Brimstone? Or would that be Hockey and Bullshit?) preacher. Good for a LOL.

Anonymous said...

Head knowledge will not trump heart knowledge when it comes to being able to discern what God's grace actually means. One must experience a life-changing conversion through repenting of ones sin. Of course, one must be convicted by God's spirit in order for that to happen. Until that occurs, grace will be a distortion for you and you will misinterpret it's meaning.

Natalie said...

Dear Anonymous,

Please learn the difference between its and it's.

Thank you.

JT Evans said...

Perfect, Missy! LOL!