Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Passion of the Drunk

That is a smart-aleck title. I do not now nor have I ever liked Mel Gibson.

Mr. Gibson was recently arrested for drunk driving and behaved rather badly. Having in my lifetime been arrested for drunk driving and behaved badly, and recalling that Mr. Gibson made a movie, however flawed, about the Lord, who -- before His passion -- said to some men getting ready to stone a woman caught in adultery, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone" (Jn 7:53-8:11), I have nothing to add to the following:


I give Mr. Gibson credit for renouncing his loathsome behavior, for owning that it was "despicable." If he is indeed anti-Semitic, as some discerning people seem to think, may he ask his Redeemer to remove that defect of his character from him. If he is, as he confesses, alcoholic, may he seek help. There is lots of it available. If he follows the Twelve-Step program, I hope the Jews are on his list of people he intends to make amends to.

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