Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Le Petit Riens

That was the title of music by Mozart. It means "the little nothings," I think. The lovely wife is still abed at half-past nine. It's raining gently and I have the front door ajar and can hear the mercy dropping down. Rudy is in the other chair, white socks extended, muzzle on them, eyes closed, breathing heavily in sleep, the soul of serenity. It's 9:39 and all's well.


dddonna said...

You need to reset your blog clock. I forget how you do it but you can figure it out because I did. DE

dddonna said...

Click on "Get Your Own Blog" and go to "blogger help" down on the right hand side of the page. When you click "Blogger help" a list of questions will pop up and the last one has to do with changing the time on your post. Your time is 3 hours slow. It is a little tricky finding your time zone--or it was for me--but I finally found it. I suppose this is picky on my part but I just like seeing the actual time that a person writes the post. DE

dddonna said...

PS I loved the part that you wrote about Rudy. I could just picture it. I miss that little guy so much. I promise not to comment anymore today. DE

JT Evans said...

Thanks for the heads-up: I reset it. (How do you pronounce "dddonna"?)