Friday, April 06, 2007

Tavis Smiley, Hoosier! And THE MAN

I read with delight in the Nap Town Star that Tavis Smiley is going to be the commencement speaker for Indiana University this year. Excellent choice! I wrote the following to the online edition:

"I had no idea Tavis Smiley was from (sic) small-town Indiana man! And I can claim pride in him as a fellow Hoosier along with the admiration I already feel. My daughter was in a swim meet at Maconaquah! I recognized Tavis's excellence instantly when I saw him moderate a discussion on PBS among four religious leaders of diverse backgrounds. Now there was a "fair and balanced," not to mention dignified and congenial, presentation of differing views. I know that Tavis helped to make it happen. This gentleman is a man for all seasons. I really like, respect, and admire Tavis Smiley and I am tickled pink that IU has chosen him for commencement. (Poor BYU! The administration there chose **** (sic) Cheney for their speaker! My family and I lived in Utah and I'm glad we moved back here.) I can't say enough good things about my Hoosier brother Tavis Smiley!"

I read with dismay the error I made in the first sentence but let it stand when I posted a second comment:

"I see the first name of Mr. Cheney was bleeped by the censor. He is pretty profane, isn't he?"

I wrote the above before I had seen prior comments on the story. I then read those and sure enough, Tavis took it in the shorts from some of the TFM's out there. One said he was a "nobody." (Boo.) But somebody countered with, if Tavis is a nobody, what does that make you? (Yay!) Another TFM said they got Tavis because Mr. McFeeley wasn't available. (Boo.) Mr McF's been coopted by BYU when even the rightwing students protested the choice of **** Cheney. (Yay!) Then there was the Star reader who said he watched Fox News "religiously" [I'll bet] and had never heard of Tavis. (Boo.) He was slammed by about four readers who questioned his presumption that he was "informed" by religiously watching Fox News. (Yay!) Then there was the TFI (two steps down on the intelligence scale from a TFM) who said that Tavis was "liberal" and "agenda-driven." (Boo.) As it is with whose ox is being gored, it depends on whose agenda is being driven. Joe McCarthy claimed Ed Murrow was "agenda-driven." (Yay!)

Tavis is in the same league as Ed Murrow. Good night, and good luck.

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