Tuesday, April 17, 2007

More Killing II

Keith Olbermann just pointed out that at least as many American military servicemen in Iraq died in the last ten days as those people who died yesterday at the hands of an enraged sicko kid named Cho Seung-Hui at Virginia Tech. Keith asked why we citizens are stunned, shocked, angered, and saddened by those deaths so much more than we seem to be by the three thousand deaths before them in Iraq and Afghanistan -- not in any way, of course, minimizing the enormity of the Virginia Tech tragedy. May God console the victims' families and friends and indeed all of us.

Many flags today are flying at half-mast because of the Virginia Tech killings, Keith said. He asked, Why aren't our flags flying at half-mast all the time?

Good question.

To me it looks like we are a nation whose Stars and Bars should fly only at half-mast from now until the monstrously unjust war we are in has ended.

God, Lord, please deliver us. Amen.


Anonymous said...

We truly need the help of the force.

JT Evans said...

Amen and amen, as BG Wiggs used to say!