Tuesday, April 10, 2007

God's Language: Music

I read once (God knows where) that God's language is music. And if we could only understand it, we could understand all that God represents: love, joy, peace, all the good things. It's been an intriguing idea for many years. Oh Jesus, how I wish I had learned music. It's too late now. And of course I would have come no closer to understanding God almighty. Who ever does? But I think about all those wonderful works of Johann Sebastian Bach, all dedicated to "Soli Deo Gloria" -- to the glory of God. Would to God that I could write just one piece of music and dedicate it "To the Glory of God." Amen.

1 comment:

dddonna said...

You are good at prose. You could dedicate something to the glory of God that way instead of getting old anonymous's briefs in a twist. Of course, maybe anonymous is female and it would be panties in a wedge.