Monday, April 16, 2007

More Killing

At Virginia Tech, a college in Blacksburg, Virginia, a gunman massacred over thirty innocent people today. Then shot himself to death. Kurt Vonnegut would say, "So it goes." But he too is now dead. "Farther along ..."


dddonna said...

"Farther along...." is a great thought for us, I suppose, but if I were a parent of any one of the 33 it wouldn't provide much solace today. I can't begin to imagine the grief of the parents and the post trauma of those who survived.

Anonymous said...

"The president believes that there is a right for people to bear arms, but that all laws must be followed," said Dana Perino, acting press secretary for George W. Bush just after the Virginia Tech embarrassment to us law-abiding gun owners. Thank God!

You gun control freaks note that the first words from the White House were meant to reassure us at the NRA, not to console the victims, so don't go getting any liberal peace-freak ideas that the Virginia Tech shootings yesterday will whip up sentiment against guns.

They're here to stay. Get over it.

dddonna said...

Have you noticed the clipped perky way that young Dana Perino speaks. She says nothing in a serious manner. Who did she sleep her way to the top with?

Anonymous said...

Oooh. Ffft! Meow! Hell, you got her pegged right. I'm 'fessin' up. Might as well: nobody will ever bust me for my crimes against humanity, you know, destroying and sliming people for purely political gain, disenfranchising black voters, etc., let alone my sins, such as adultery. I'm un-fucking-touchable. Give me a fucking faith-based program! I'm still smarting over that dirty little oh so pious David Kuo for quitting on principle and then telling on me. Hell, it's me. I'm the one she's slept with. (I couldn't do anything but neither could she. Except gratify my insatiable desire for evil by whispering dirty things in my ear.) Ya gotta admit she's cute, don't you?

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed at the hatred spewing from the mouths of JT & ddonna. Your hatred of the President and almost ANY republicans says a lot about who you are.

dddonna said...

Hey, anonymous. I never said a word about the President. I kind of thought that he did a very good job of consoling the parents and students at the VT convocation yesterday. He rose to the occasion with kindness and empathy. Don't be labeling me and spewing your hatred at me.

Anonymous said...

(To the tune of "You, You, You" by the Ames Brothers, circa 1953):

Spew! Spew! Spew!
All we do is spew! Spew! Spew!...

Anonymous, your only agenda seems to be to condemn this family blog, its author, and its contributors. Do you really have anything whatever to say about anything that is constructive?

You are quite correct in discerning that JT has nothing but contempt for the president (that's lower case "p," by the way: this man will never ever elevate the office to one of a full-fledged President, with a capital "P"). JT is a fair student of history and he concludes that Mr. Bush is the worst president we have had. And Bush's presence at Virginia Tech was blasphemy, in light of the fact that he has never gone to the funeral of a GI killed in his filthy, unjust war. It wouldn't be a good photo-op and thus would not promote the agenda of today's Republican Party, which was once the party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt and Ike and the first Bob Taft and Goldwater and Dick Lugar but instead is now the party of Tom DeLay and Karl Rove and Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz. By your fruits shall ye know them. That's JT's opinion and I believe he will stand by it, no matter how many barbs you stick in him. The more attacks you make, the more he will hold his ground. In spite of your invective, he will never have a picture of George W. Bush on his refrigerator. That's the way it works. You and JT have no hope of reconciling your differences. OK?

Having said that, JT says he invites you, welcomes you to make a constructive comment. Just say what you believe. Right, JT is evil and all that shit, but leave him out of the equation for the moment and say something that is positive. Just one thing. You won't save JT, but "by all means save some."

Go ahead. One positive thing. "God is love," right?

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that I got under your skin. You are absolutely correct when you said that JT won't be saved. He is definitely too far gone. As for ddonna, she seems to at least have a heart that is somewhat softer. However she seems to take her lead from the "evil" one, JT. Too bad that she does that. I wish that I knew what her relationship with JT is. Seems as though they have known each other for a long time. I hope that she is able to fend off the "evil" one.

JT Evans said...

Farther along we'll know all about it,
Farther along we'll understand why;
Cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine,
We'll understand it all by and by.

dddonna said...

Anonymous, I too was wondering what your relationship is to this blogger since you seem so interested in condemning him. I guess your and my relationships to the writer must be similar voyeuristic characteristics that lots of bloggers possess. I however come across as softer because I, as a Xian, fail as I do daily in my quest, am trying to avoid the sin of passing judgement on others. Yes, judgement is a sin. Only God can pass out judgement. I work on judgement and criticism on a daily basis.

Our dear brother in Christ who writes this sounds very angry and there is much in this world to make us angry, even Xian's. Yes, Jesus got angry too. Remember how he threw over the tables and ran the money changers out of the temple? Our brother has the same right to freedom of speech to defend himself as do you and I. You write as though you have the same anger in you that he has only you mask yours in religious judgement and piousness. Sometimes we have to remove the mote from our own eyes as the Bible says.

I will continue to read this writer and make comments but I am so sick of your simple minded diatribe that I refuse to be involved with you anymore. God bless you, brother or sister. Keep the faith, keep voting Republican. You will be known by your fruits, as the good book says. Adios.