Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Nuck Fewt

Regarding the speech by Newt Gingrich on abridging FREE SPEECH: You can't save the Constitution by destroying it. You're a bigger terrorist than Osama, you little butterball. It gives me great comfort to know that you are close to the bottom of the list of public figures who have presidential pretensions, right down there with John Kerry and Bill Frist (another comfort). I'd be really comforted if you were in jail where you belong. I know I'm subtle but maybe you'll get the point. Just hope you get it in Uranus. That would be a good place for the rest of you, along with your head.


dddonna said...

Wow, JT. Don't hold back. I'm surprised you haven't heard from anonymous. He/she must have missed this one burried under the rest of your entries. Way to go.

JT Evans said...

Thank you. Read about Newt Gingrich in Conscience of a Conservative by John Dean, who says he is a conservative. Newt ain't no Barry Goldwater, who, JFK said, to people's surprise, had "character and dignity." Newt has neither.