Monday, November 20, 2006

Letter to Mo on "Squeaker of the House" (11/18/2006)

Letter to Maureen Dowd re. her New York Times column on Saturday 11/18/2006)

Mo (May I call you Mo? Call me JT.)

I got a comment on my blog from a frequent anonymous poster, one who feeds daily on Rush and Bill-o and Sean and Ann. Following? He said that "Pelosi" and the "demo-craps" would louse things up, starting with her endorsement of "that crook Murtha."

My dear Mo, and you really are dear to me -- because you are, as you said your detractors call you, a "liberal slut" (your words, I forget which interview) -- Mo, Mo, Mo, why did you have to trash Ms Pelosi for the first mistake she makes? One week after lauding her as a liberating Valkyrie?

Do you know what she and the Democrats are trying to liberate us from? Do you know you aid and abet "Anonymous" and his dreadful mob when you attack the good guys? Yes, Nancy messed up. I hope she learned from it. Your writing in high dudgeon about "throwing like a girl" and "Playskool telephones" and petty motives and catfights between her and Jane Harman (about which you know no more than I, an old fart from a small town in Indiana) is, as you like to say, kerfuffle.

I know, dear Mo, you are at the top of your game when you are trashing somebody, but for God's sake, pick your battles. I remember all the silly crap you were writing about Al Gore's "earth tones." Sorry now? (No, I guess not. You'll say your ridiculing him along with the rest of the morons (you're not a moron) wasn't the deciding factor.)

Choose your battles, Mo. We're at war. And I'm not talking about the godforsaken misadventure in Iraq. While you're devastating Nancy Pelosi, Bush-Cheney-Rove-Gonzales et al. continue to mock us and drag us down in the muck. Pick your battles, girl. And stay focused. I love your work when you're trashing the bad guys. I also like it when you write lovingly of your mother and your Catholic upbringing. (I don't know why, I'm not Catholic, not even a very good Christian.)

Affectionately but pissed, J.T. Evans

1 comment:

JT Evans said...

I did send this letter to Ms Dowd. I'm awaiting her personal reply. What are the odds she will reply, you think?