Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Elephant in the Living Room

While I've been indulging in frivolity here, all the while I'm thinking: the war, the war, what can we do about the war? We the people of Rock Ridge have spoken, and it just goes to show that you are the leading ...

No, no, no, I must be serious. We the electorate by somewhat of a majority have told this president that we do not want him to stay the course or stay until the mission is complete or however he chooses to put it. We want out, one way or another. How? In God's name, how?

I've ranted enough about how these people will not listen to reason and how all they care about is saving face and looking tough and PR hype and they truly don't care about human life -- compassion my ass. This man is sleeping like a baby at night, planning his presidential library funded with 500 million dollars, while Iraqis and his countrymen and women are dying daily in droves.

We learned before W. ever got to Washington (or Austin for that matter) that his pattern was to get involved in some enterprise, mess it up, and have friends of his daddy bail him out. Molly Ivins told us all about him and some of us were wise and voted against him -- good that it did us.

Jim Baker,who bailed him out with dirty tricks in Florida when he lost the election in 2000, hurting us in the process, is back to bail him out of this war. Why am I apprehensive over what this Baker commission will come up with? I know that the redoubtable Lee Hamilton is co-chair but somehow that doesn't reassure me as much as I would like it to.

In any case, I believe that whatever they come up with, particularly if it is anything other than "stay the course" or some verbal variation of I'm the decider and I'll do as I please because I can and because you have to know that fact, regardless of what it costs in life and resources to you. I don't know you and I don't care about you. I won't listen to you if you differ from what I have already made up my mind to do.

Senator Joe Biden of Delaware is talking about encouraging partition, i.e. three separate states, one for the Sunnis, one for the Shia, and one for the Kurds. Pundits are curling up their lips in scorn, but why not explore it? Put each warring faction in its own zone with demilitarized zones in between and enforce those DMZs with the UN and of course -- since we have to atone for the sins of Junior and clean up his shit, as people have always had to do -- include a large proportion of US military forces in the peacekeeping force. The critics will say you can't manipulate these people like puppets and make them go where you want them to go and do what you want to do. They are speaking from bitter experience, given that their misadventure in the first place did not turn out to be a "cakewalk" and our troops were not "greeted as liberators." And the Iraqis they encountered were not puppets and the "liberators" could not make them go where they wanted and do what they wanted the Iraqis to do.

We should announce how long we will continue with our military presence of foreign troops in the crossfire of a civil war -- hell, calling it a "civil war" is a euphemism for what it really is -- total anarchy. Chaos. Bedlam. Pandemonium. Hell on earth. We should announce how long we are going to stay and then promptly get out. Take French leave. Just hop on a bus, Gus. Then let go and let Allah.

Since Junior won't go along with that, since he would have to admit he was wrong, which he has never done in his life, and that he has been defeated by the terrorists -- he really believes this is what it would mean -- we shall just have to impeach Junior and try -- try -- to get him out of office before he breaks any more toys. Because his toys are the people of the United States and the people of Iraq.

God -- Allah, Yahweh, HP, Whoever -- help us. I ask this as an earnest prayer. God deliver us from this insanity. Amen.


dddonna said...

I imagine breaking Iraq into 3 separate nations would be like getting Indiana to agree on DST. Remember that debate? I think most of the people, as I understand it, who really want democracy in Iraq have or are in the process of migrating to other countries. I'm sure there are many of the truly poor who don't have that choice and probably not much chance at a life of any kind now. This is certainly one of the examples of religious zealotry that we Christians in the USA need to be cognizant of.

JT Evans said...

Oh, yes, it would be hell, trying to get them to negotiate anything. The two brands of religious zealots, the Sunnis and the Shiites (think Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland, or in Indiana when we were kids), would of course want certain considerations and they would be non-negotiable. Remember the talks between the US and the North Vietnamese? The shape of the freaking table at which they were to sit? Before they would even agree to sit down? Then don't forget the religious zealots over here whose demands are non-negotiable. Pigheads on every side. Somehow we the US along with the UN were successful in separating the Serbs and the Croats in Bosnia and getting them to stop shooting one another. Clue: had a President then who listened to opposing viewpoints, explored all options, and took action based on what was doable as well as moral, with caution and consideration for lives lost -- not riding in like Taggart and doing a Number Six on 'em, as this moron has done. Mo used a metaphor I liked: taking a baseball bat to a beehive.

Heck, I'm just a cockeyed optimist. I believe we could go into Darfur and stop the genocide there too if we were sane and ethical about it and marshalled our friends in the world (if we are ever able to cultivate any some day again).