Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy Hillbilly New Year

It's going on midnight and we're watching and listening to Emmylou Harris on a live show from Nashville, Tennessee on PBS, hosted by Gary Keillor. She sings beautifully and she is beautiful.

We're trying to make it to midnight. Not that it's all that important. Tomorrow is just another day.

There was a group earlier that I liked best: they had a banjo player who was about as unanimated as I could imagine, still as a statue, deadpan, holding the banjo in one position only -- except if you looked closely you could see that all his fingers, both on the frets and the strings, were moving rapidly and deftly -- and as for the banjo! It just talked, sang, danced!

It will be good to wake up in the morning and be able to eat breakfast. Lord willing.

Happy New Year.

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