Tuesday, October 03, 2006

They Went Thataway! C'm'on, Boys! We'll Head 'em Off at the Pass!

The breaking-news boys and girls are screaming, "Could Foley's follies hurt the GOP?"

Nah. Nothing will hurt the GOP.

Certainly not a sex scandal generated by a pipsqueak who happens to be a Republican as low on the food chain as Mark Foley. Why would the peccadilloes of a pipsqueak hurt the GOP when the felonies and war crimes of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld -- pipsqueaks too but in places of power where giants once were -- e.g., Harry Truman, FDR, General George Marshall -- don't even raise an eyebrow?

Yep, the breaking news posse has jumped on Old Paint and galloped off to Foley. What morons.

Hell, it pleases Rove that they're focusing on Foley rather than the real scoundrels.


dddonna said...

World without end. Amen!

Anonymous said...

If the topic was your run of the mill corruption I'd probably agree with you. It is certainly convenient that there is a lot of news that should be getting press...

o. We learned that Rice and others in the WH were warned by Tenent about an imminent attack and that he was blown off two months before 9/11. It was also interesting that the 9/11 commission apparently found out about the meeting and left it out of the report. Why?

o. We are hearing that thousands of sailors and an entire Navy battle group are sailing off for the Persian Gulf. Why? Some people theorize that Iran and Syria are next. Others note that it may be a simple rotation.

Yet, this *is* sex we're talking about.

Strange times... no wonder I can't concentrate on my homework...

JT Evans said...

We are also distracted from Bush's taking away the writ of habeas corpus from the prisoners of his war. First them, next us.

Anonymous said...

Good grief...

See that's how strange it is that I forget about that already.

It's like the Chinese fortune "May you live in interesting times" or somesuch