Saturday, October 07, 2006

Oh, By the Way, Clinton Got Us In This Mess. Everybody Knows That.

On Joe Scarborough's 10/4/06 show, Al Franken and David Bossie. (Whoever the latter is. A conservative Republican spokesman. That about says it all. Speaking for the Right, not to be confused with speaking for the right).

Al: “Republicans are no longer conservative. They’re radical. Democrats are the true conservatives."

Bossie: (Disagrees.)

Al: We left you with a budget surplus --

Bossie: You left us with a war on terror.

(Joe cuts them off. Had to cut to commercial.)

“YOU LEFT US WITH A WAR ON TERROR.” That is an outrageous lie!

We would say on one of these talk shows for entertainment (not for saving the republic), in our mindless stringing together of cliches, “This is a page right out of the Hitler playbook.” * What I mean by that is that the Nazi technique is to repeat the biggest lie you can, over and over, no matter how many times others debunk it with facts and logic, just keep repeating it, and it will prevail.

* [There really was a playbook. It was titled Mein Kampf. Would to God the Germans had read it before they let the monster who wrote it come to power.]

The “war on terror,” of course, is a "comma" named by the Nitwit-in-Chief and concocted by the neocons and chicken hawks -- vicious Cheney; condescending Condi; squinty, squirty, mouthy, homicidal Rummy; you know the cabal.

They are parroted by Bush, who is their Dupe-become-Dictator. Oh, a dupe, all right, but entirely and utterly responsible for all the slaughter and waste and grand larceny of these hoodlums. These people are making me insane with rage, to be explicit, in case I've been too subtle. I wish them in the prisons they have made for their enemies.

But no -- they are mostly rich white Republican males who will never see the inside of a jail or prison cell, not for one minute, not even one of them. The next war criminal in the White House -- who will be another white Republican male -- will pardon them all -- if indeed they are ever even remotely considered to be guilty of anything, anything at all.

It’s more likely that he’ll give them all Medals of Freedom.

Chicken hawks, every last one of them, sissies who let others do their fighting for them. And LIARS. All of them LIARS. You got that? LIARS.

And their so-called "War on Terror" was left to them by the Clinton administration!

Fox News planted this monstrous lie with Chris Wallace in his interview with Bill Clinton. And they have played the interview over and over. And spun it to their advantage, saying that Clinton was “out of control with rage” because he called their game and had the temerity to comment aloud on Chris’s smirk. (You would like to smack it off his face, wouldn't you?)

Of course, not a minute was devoted to investigating the content of Clinton's words, which were the truth. He wasn't talking about Monica Lewinski. He was talking about being a responsible, honest, humble Commander-in-Chief.

And already they’ve got it down to a sound bite, a bumper sticker. This disaster we are in (1,252 days now since the declaration of Mission Accomplished) is because of Bill Clinton!

Right. And the pedophile who actually headed a congressional committee to protect children, and the connivance of the so-called leadership, is the fault of the Democrats.

God help us. We are a sorry lot.


Anonymous said...

Mind your blood pressure, Pop!

CherylRenee said...

Isn't it funny how they blame anything that goes wrong on Clinton? I even heard Gingrich say the Democrats had far worth sex scandals.

dddonna said...

Hey, Carrot. Keep your cool. As I see it Bush and his people are losing what little credibility they had by the day now even with their own party. I'm hearing a lot of that talk on the airwaves. If he doesn't do something about the whole mideast block of countries soon he is going to be the laughing stock of the whole world, if he isn't already. If someone told him what to do he would have no idea how to carry it out because he is such a bumbling idiot. There is so much talk now even among republicans about getting us out of Iraq that something has to start happening soon. He will no longer get by with his stock answer, "We will stay until the job is done." It will never be done. Like the crazy old lady on ER Thursday night said, "I want to talk to Barack Obama."

JT Evans said...

Footnote to the "Blame Clinton Ruse." --

John McCain has blamed Clinton for the latest debacle, namely the entry of North Korea into the "nucular" community . (Hm, let me see -- now could it be? Satan? Where is Church Lady when we need "her"?) McCain gives inescapable clues that he is running for Pres in '08. The first was recanting his flat-out assertion (during the '04 campaign) that the Bob Jones boys were nuts by earlier this year speaking at BJU. (That's "Bob Jones" U.)