Monday, October 16, 2006

(1) Kuo on Xns and GOP; (2) Sweeney on Clean Campaigns

(1) Except from Richard Wolffe's Newsweek interview with former Bush White House aide David Kuo, who has written a book critiquing the Bush administration's emphasis on faith-based initiatives. The book is called Tempting Faith: An Inside Story of Political Seduction.

Wolffe: Are Christian leaders being naïve in their dealings with the White House or do they understand the nature of the exchange?

Kuo: It's a little bit of both. In some ways White House power is like [J.R.R.] Tolkien's ring of power. When you put it on, it feels good and it's dazzling. But after a while it begins to consume you in ways you don't realize. That's the nature of White House power. I have no doubt that Christian political leaders have gotten involved for all the right reasons. I just think over time it becomes harder and harder to stand up against that ring of power and the White House, to say no and walk away.

The Christian political leaders have been seduced. If you look at their comments that they know what they're doing, I'm not quite sure how to read that--is it wonderful or a little troubling? That's one of the reasons I call for this fast from politics. I'm not saying that Christians shouldn't vote, which is going around on Christian talk radio. But for a period--I personally think it should take two years from after this election to the presidential election--evangelical Christians should take a fast from giving their money to political causes and from giving much of their time as well. Take that money that is currently fueling all those wonderful hate-filled ads, the hundreds of millions being spent, and spend that money on the poor and inner-city kids. Instead of spending time lobbying, spend your time with your neighbor, saying love your neighbor as yourself.

(2) "Running with Blinders" by Kevin Sweeney about abstinence from negative campaigning is worth a look:


Anonymous said...

Since it is almost impossible to find a democrat who is a Christian, your blog post is totally irrelevant. Maybe you should write about the fact that if you vote democrat it identifies you as loving higher taxes, loving homosexuality, and being pro-abortion. I don't think that Jesus would fall into that category. My condolences for your being a democrat.

dddonna said...

Anonymous is so misled. Republicans rob from the poor to give to the rich, e.i. taxes. Republicans have no love for their fellowman or they would not harbor hate for homosexuals. In fact, Jesus never said a thing about homosexuality in the 66 books of my Bible. Jesus called us to love all our fellowmen. I hope that anonymous understands that also means that you love women, people of all colors and races and all sexual persuasions as well as those of all political parties. God bless us all.

Anonymous said...

dddonna: Sorry to break this to you, but homosexuality is an abomination to God. Yes, the Father! Read Leviticus. Apparently you forgot that there is still and old testament. Republicans don't hate homosexuals. They just hate homosexuality. By the way, homosexuality is not a civil right. I have many black friends and none of them equate their civil rights struggle with homosexual rights. How about the rights of the unborn. Where would Jesus come down on that one? I doubt if He would tolerate the views of you and your democrat friends on that issue.