Sunday, June 18, 2006

Try Again, Dear Hearts and Gentle People

There was a song when I was about a little kid that went: "I love those dear hearts and gentle people / Who live in my home town." Well, I know I have many dear hearts and gentle people who have tried to make comments on my blog and couldn't because of my stupidity with regard to managing my blog. SO -- I THINK YOU CAN ADD COMMENTS NOW. SO PLEASE TRY. AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Love to all, JT.


dddonna said...

Hi, I hope that you don't mind my reading your blog--I have tried to comment before and don't know if you have received same--but as always your writing is delightful. Keep your ideas and happenings coming. This is how the children and I keep up on each others lives. God bless you and Rosie (Rudy too)

JT Evans said...

Thanks and back atcha. Your blog is great and I've been enjoying it. Keep up the good work.

johnnie said...

YaY! Comment moderation is turned off! w00t! spammaspammaspamma spam! j/k

Anonymous said...

It's about damn time. Now I have to come up with witty things to say all over again.

JT Evans said...

Have a beer or two, Mandy. I've heard from your fans that helps tremendously! (But don't drive afterward!)