Tuesday, June 20, 2006

guzzling through the apocalypse

I came up the hill a while ago and was almost run over by an SUV -- a big-assed American make -- driving like li'l ole 421 was the Autobahn. I wonder what kind of mileage that sucker (gas-sucker) gets. I wonder if the driver has any notion that "the end" is near -- the end of plentiful fossil fuels and the prerogative to squander them? Could it be that the next president and congress will crack down? Impose a national speed limit of 55 once again, by executive order, as Tricky Dick did in the seventies? Work for a windfall profit tax on Big Oil? Kick the ass of GM for manufacturing its gas guzzlers and not let them wiggle out of their responsibility to produce efficient (and, incidentally, clean) automobiles? Mandate moving ahead as quickly as possible with a concerted plan to develop wind and solar energy and other ways to stop the insane waste? God deliver us. Amen.


dddonna said...

You must see the Al Gore documentary on said subject. You, like I, will no doubt have to go out of town to see it but I think that it will be worth the effort.

CherylRenee said...

I'm ashamed to say, My Brother-in-law just purchased a Chevy Tahoe last weekend. He said they were practically giving them away at the dealership. I'm quite sure they were....I was not happy for him.