Friday, October 03, 2008

Local Politics: 32 Days to Election

Volunteered again to get out the vote: will make phone calls this next Tuesday afternoon from Democratic Headquarters. Dropped in this morning and got yard signs. Obama yard signs are virtually nonexistent here. I think I have one coming in the mail but it might not be for a week or two yet. Serious omission, not to see that yard signs are plentifully available, in my opinion. Then I've heard that people put them out and then lose them to vandals or those who object to Obama signs for one reason or another. (Hint: southern Indiana, Confederate flags, "this black-and-white thing," as the lady put it when I went door to door back in May.)

A while ago at the car service place, I overheard two young men talking.

"You going to vote for Obama?"
"Oh, no way! Did you see the debate last night? Boy, Palin was hot. She told ol' Biden off."

I sighed and got up and moved to another room.

In correspondence with a friend, I think I found the right words for Palin: cute and charmin', you just betcha. And mean and full of shit.


Anonymous said...

It was all over when she winked at them. They sold out their country for a wink. You betcha...

dddonna said...

She sounds like she's from Fargo to me. I wonder if others have thought that.