Saturday, August 02, 2008

RACE CARD! RACE CARD! Roll Over, Johnny C.

As a supporter of Barack Obama, I know I'm supposed to keep a low profile on this, because the political commentators have told us it would be impolitic to do otherwise, but some of you may have observed that (hush, hush, come over here on Camera 3, shhh) he's (black). (Don't tell anybody!) (He's white too, but our curious system on this continent for the past four hundred years is that if you're "one percent black" (who isn't?), you're black for purposes of -- well, discrimination. You know, taxicabs, housing, jobs, being elected for public office, just the little things, you know.)

What I wanted to say is that our candidate is a pioneer and he will have to thread his way through this discrimination, distrust, prejudice, superstition, slander, and libel in order to get to the prize, which is to be America's first African-American president. And he will have to excel, just as Jackie Robinson had to excel as the first black major league baseball player, as Sidney Poitier had to excel as the first black motion picture actor in leading roles, as Jack Kennedy had to excel as the first Roman Catholic president, and as little Miss Ruby Bridges had to excel when, at six years of age, she integrated the New Orleans elementary school in 1960.

I'm confident that Barack will continue to excel and he's gonna get there.

As for having another mediocre president -- worse than mediocre looks like it right now, if fear and hatred triumph over hope and faith this November -- God please spare us from that. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hussein will never be elected president. Hillary knows it and is already preparing for 2012. Osama....oops....Obama realy needs to go back to Kenya.