Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dropping Names

Ed Begley Jr.

He lectured at Hanover College tonight on saving the environment. Asked what he thought about nuclear power he said, "We have the best nuclear reactor in the world. It's 93 million miles away. It's called the sun." (Applause.)

He worked with Arnold Schwarzenegger on an environmental issue and did the best impression of the Govinator I've heard when he re-created a session that Arnold had with Orrin Hatch. (Applause for that too.)

I got to visit with Ed for a couple of minutes afterward. He said he's making a movie about the Florida recount of 2000. I said "Ooh! That'll be great!" Then I whispered, "I'm a Democrat too."

"Good man," he said.

He is too.


dddonna said...

I wondered if you were there. I know it is the kind of thing that you like. Glad you went.

Anonymous said...

My condolences.