Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Only Two Years To Go

You thought I was talking about the Bush administration, didn't you? Yuk yuk yuk, I was referring to the campaign for the next president. Think about it. No, wait a minute. Maybe it would be better not to think about it.

Things have heated up: (1) David Geffen, a Hollywood mogul (in case you wondered who in hell he was) just disowned the Clintons by raising a million-plus bucks* for Barack Obama. (2) Mr. Geffen, formerly a fast Friend of Billary, took the occasion to denounce Hillary as "polarizing" and not to be trusted. (3) Hillary's spokesman said that Barack should apologize for Geffen's remarks. (4) Not unreasonably, Barack wondered why he should be asked to apologize for somebody else's remarks.

Only two years to go. Anyone for Dennis Kucinich?

*A million bucks would buy health insurance for a lot of poor people, many of whom I actually know.

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