Friday, September 15, 2006


“I have seen the very bottom of life,” she said. “I was so afraid I wouldn’t be funny anymore. I just knew that I would lose my zaniness and my sense of humor. But I didn’t. Recovery turned out to be a wonderful thing.”

Ann Richards was a recovering alcoholic from 1980 on.

She died Wednesday, September 13, at the age of 73, of esophageal cancer.

“Poor George, he can’t help it,” Ms. Richards said at the 1988 Democratic convention in Atlanta, speaking about the current president’s father. “He was born with a silver foot in his mouth.”

Them was the days.

"We support Sojourners and have read Jim Wallis (and not James Dobson) for many years. In terms of a national movement of spiritual progressives, I am most optimistic about TIkkun, the grassroots interfaith group headed by Rabbi Michael Lerner, author of The Left Hand of God. My own experience from working with motivational interviewing is that direct argumentation with the likes of Dobson only tends to reinforce and publicize their extremism. What is badly needed, and sorely lacking in the Democratic party at present, is an alternative vision of how we should be together. Perhaps God will find a way to use us both in that regard."

-- Private communciation with a distinguished fellow psychologist

1 comment:

JT Evans said...

Ann Richards was the Governor (capital for her) of Texis for one term, being defeated by youknowwho. She and Mario Cuomo (after his re-election defeat by George Pataki) did a Doritos commercial together, for all the world appearing to be having fun. It had the same effect on me as seeing Jimmy's dancing cheek-to-cheek with Rosalynn after his defeat. My heart went out to them, all the best.