Mo, Dear Mo, you are as shallow as the 24/7 Fixed Noise people when all you get out of -- or all you choose to report of -- Reverend Wright's interview by Bill Moyers is that he totally damned Barack -- or so you would like to leave the impression he did, by lifting the sound bite about sic semper "politicians" -- and ignoring everything else. But he's a "wackadoodle" -- isn't he? -- so you can dismiss all he said and all that was reported of the distinguished life of this intelligent, learned, righteous, patriotic man. And by the way, I saw Barack in person a few days ago and he was bubbly as ever. I noted you commented on his clothes. At least no earth tones. Hillary get her pantsuits from Penney's? Where does McCain get his clothes? Navy surplus? Get a life, Mo. Be relevant. I know you can.
Irked but hoping the best is yet to come,
J.T. Evans
Also, Elizabeth Edwards (yes, wife of Senator John Edwards) had an excellent op-ed worth one's attention. It was about the lame-brained media's inability to investigate and report on things of vital interest to the citizens of this nation.
Who is mo?
"Mo" is Maureen Dowd, "the learned journalist from the New York Times" whom the Rev. Wright referred to in his interview with Bill Moyers. She dismissed him as a "wackadoodle." It is maddening the way a journalist can sum up a person who deserves serious attention in a sound-bite way. We don't think. We do sound bites and bumper stickers. Mo is an attack dog and I like it when she's attacking my enemies and chastise her when she's mauling my friends. She's an equal opportunity mauler -- in the service of being "fair and balanced," I guess.
Just think, in a few months this will all be history and we will have to find other things to get stirred up about. I hope they are worthwile things like our environment, the poor, jobs and being kinder and gentler. Wouldn't it be nice to live in kinder and gentler times.
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