Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Barack Obama's Speech Today

Barack Obama connected with the fat pitch of race in America and knocked it out of the park. He gave a speech in Philadelphia this morning that was similar to the keynote speech he gave at the Democratic national convention in 2004, calling for unifying all of us, and this time it was through his leadership as the next president. Although the speech was as nearly perfect as any I’ve heard in decades, I’m sure the hate-jocks will immediately begin trashing it and belittling it and twisting what it said into something ugly and false. But for a few minutes, anyway, I will bask in the sunshine this speech has cast in an otherwise gloomy day. Thanks to the flawed but good Jeremiah Wright for once again providing Barack with the context for standing for unification – which is why we all ought to be voting for Barack Obama. Amen.


Anonymous said...

amen, amen, amen.

I haven't heard it, but reading the speech was amazing. I've always wanted a leader that looked at the world in this fashion. Looked at cause and effect instead of how the symptoms could best work for their agenda.

Boy I hope we're smart enough to elect this guy.

Anonymous said...

What I also find amazing is that he wrote the speech himself.

I always knew he was smart as hell, but seriously... How many people can write something that insightful let alone have the guts to say it?