Friday, July 03, 2009

Whooee and Hot Damn!

It is the eve of Independence Day and Sarah Palin has done the most patriotic act of her life!

Now if Mark Sanford would just get patriotic.

(P.S.: Maybe they'll shut up for a few minutes about Michael Jackson now. I thought the passing of Karl Malden was more newsworthy myself.)

1 comment:

JT Evans said...

P.P.S.: If Sarah Palin is truly getting out of politics, of having say-so over anybody's lives other than those in her immediate family, I wish her all the best. I have the same feeling about another inept person who was vice president on a losing ticket -- Dan Quayle. I hear he's a pretty good golfer. And my good will would go even further toward Sarah if she'd take up golf instead of shooting defenseless wild animals who mean her no harm.