Tuesday, September 16, 2008

(1) On Being a Christian and (2) Sighting of an Authentic TFM

(1) Wanted to share a blog I read on the Huffington Post today which I strongly identify with. The author is Ian Walsh. He said he was raised as a Catholic and one of the "basics" he learned about Jesus was this:

"Better to be a Good Samaritan than a Pharisee (i.e., better [not to] believe and do good deeds, than to believe and not do good deeds)." AMEN AND HALLELUJAH, BROTHER! YOU SPOKE A BOOK!

(2) Visiting with friends at a meeting place this morning, I saw a Jeep Cherokee come barreling into the lot next door. I must have glared as I saw a big "Sodrel"* sticker on the gas-guzzler
* "Sodrel" is the mustachioed, rich trucking dude who's a sort of Fred Thompson type posing as just plain folks so he can represent his rich cohorts in Congress, and who when he lost the Indiana 9th District to Baron Hill last election, contemptuously abandoned his office during the lame duck period. Now he's ba-ack, apparently sans contempt for the public he purportedly "served." E.S. & D., Sodrel.

and then I saw on the Cherokee a really trendy sticker: "BIG MAC AND CUDA." LMAO!

Rachel Maddow said that "Cuda" was a "laugh out loud" choice, a la Dan Quayle. (Remember that one? In his no-Jack Kennedy debate with Lloyd Bentsen in 1988, he was asked what he would do if he became president and he said, "First I'd pray." He couldn't seem to get past that and repeated that he'd pray twice more. At which point Tom Brokaw without irony said, "We'd all pray, Senator, but then what?")

I was saying that I glared when I saw the Sodrel sticker and I then saw that the driver, a square-jawed, muscular man, was glaring at me -- or perhaps at my humble puddle-jumper which sports contrary stickers of its own: "Obama '08" and "Got Hope?"

But I love that: "Big Mac and Cuda." Republican Shtik. It doesn't get any cooler than that.

God help us. We are a sorry lot. (That's a prayer, just in case "Cuda" forgets to pray.)

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