Sunday, January 27, 2008

Obama '08


I guess we must have some telepathy. After reading the NYT columns today by Gary Wills, Frank Rich, Bob Herbert, and Caroline Kennedy (q.v.), I contacted the official Obama website and made a token contribution (all my contributions are token at this stage), and I am throwing my wholehearted support behind Barack. I will work for him in the campaign. "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose," as Janis sang, and we have no way to go but up from this quagmire. I am fed up with the Clintons, agreeing with Wills that too many cooks spoil the broth, and there's just nobody else. And I have always liked Barack. (His nickname, by the way, is Barry.) I think he is as qualified as any candidate. Unless some others enter the field he's it for me. I'm thinking of people of the stature of George McGovern, and there aren't many of those left. I will of course vote for Barack in the primary and hope and pray for the chance to vote for him in November. Considering that I joined the Peace Corps mainly because I was inspired by the idealism and hope that Jack Kennedy, the upstart young president of that day, provided, I don't think I could consider anyone else at this latter day of my life.

So, Ron, Senator Obama is my political fave too! Here's hoping and praying!

Peace, JT


dddonna said...

Wish I could be as convinced and hopeful as you. I just don't have the trust yet. He needed to be a senator for a few more years for me but then, what do I know?

Unknown said...

To date I've been an Edwards supporter (though I haven't donated to anyone).

I love Edwards policies-- he's been pushing the debate more than any candidate running. Without Edwards, Clinton would still be talking about universal health care by the end of her second term. He's keeping everyone on their toes. Also, as disastrous as these years have been, I'm a fighting mood and Edwards is certainly a fighter.

Yet, Obama's approach to change is very, very interesting. He's inviting everyone to help and that is attracting an amazing coalition of supporters. The turnout has been astronomical -- heck he got more votes in SC than all the candidates in 2004 together. That's just amazing. That's the kind of energy that could actually result in change.

He's a very close second choice. I'm still listening. Too bad we don't get to vote until May.


CherylRenee said...

I was initially a Hilary supporter but just recently changed my mind. I'm a full Barack supporter now simply because of his ability to motivate and more importantly, mobilize the young people. That's what we need if we want to win. I don't see Hilary building that kind of momentum.

As far as experience goes, he'll have plenty of experienced advisors surrounding him. Many will probably come from the Clinton camp.

John Kerry did an excellent interview on an NPR program called "Tell Me More" last week. He pointed out a lot of good reasons for his endorsement of Obama that made a lot of sense.