Sunday, August 26, 2007

One of My Favorite Months: Not So Hot, Figuratively Speaking

We've had many days this month when the heat index or just the damn temperature has exceeded 100, and it has called for staying indoors. August has always been the month when we've had a taste of Hoosier autumn, with cool mornings, dry and blue as Nevada at its best. But it hasn't happened this month. Maybe it will in the next five days but it doesn't look promising.

I've been thinking about Erik Erikson and his theory of the stages of adult development, the next to last being "generativity versus stagnation," and how I'm in that phase and in my case it looks like stagnation is the winner. As my buddy Kurt put it, "So it goes." And as my grudgingly admired cohort, Al Ellis, would put it, "Tough shit." (That means the same thing in New York as it does in Madison, Indiana.)

Watching "In Harm's Way" this afternoon. Stars the Duke and Kirk Douglas and one of my favorites, Stanley Holloway (Alf Doolittle of "My Fair Lady.") The score is by one of my main men, Jerry Goldsmith, who passed away about the time of Elmer Bernstein and David Raksin ("Laura"). So it goes.

Rudy is sacked out in the next chair. He is the soul of serenity. I contemplate him and when I do all is well, in spite of whatever shit is happening. I grieve, but tough shit. So it goes. What else can I say?

The tulip poplars have had a few leaves turn yellow. Autumn's a-comin'.

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