Thursday, July 26, 2007

On Hearing Elgar's "London Town" (Cockaigne Overture)

From: evansjt@
Subject: Cockaigne (sp? Oh Well, London Town) Overture!
Date: July 26, 2007 4:50:34 PM EDT


I just have listened on iTunes (with earphones) and I have been moved to tears by this beautiful Elgar work. It is indeed emotional! I've heard it many times but I was never before aware of what beautiful orchestration it contains or how much Elgar must have loved London. (Then of course there was "Pomp and Circumstance" when my firstborn daughter graduated from medical school. But I don't think I can handle that too!)

Thanks for playing "London Town." And here comes Bach! Oh God, now hear that counterpoint between the oboe and bassoon ... I wish I could translate my love of all this great music into composition as you do. Oh well. Thanks, friend. Keep up the good work. I'm a little embarrassed by my outburst. Forgive me.

JT Evans

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi JT,

Your spelling was correct. Yes, all of Elgar's music is
unapologetically emotional. Glad you are also enjoying the Bach.

Emotional outbursts are always welcome!

All my best and thanks,