Monday, March 13, 2006

Lord, Please Forgive My Schadenfreude

This is too good to be true.


Anonymous said...

My man Josh Marshall weighs in:
"In the early days of the Katrina Debacle, the White House response was being coordinated by none other than Claude Allen.

Logical choice, of course: get your guy in charge of abstinence education and school prayer policy and banning abortion to run disaster management.

Maybe he was too busy waiting in the return line at Hecht's to focus on the hurricane stuff."

Anonymous said...

And God said, it is good.

JT Evans said...

"Schadenfreude" is a German loan word that means gloating or glee over someone else's misfortune. First Corinthians 13, which defines "charity" or Christian love, says that taking pleasure in someone else's ills, is not one of the attributes of such high-minded virtue. Oh well, what the hell. I love it! Jesus also says, "You shall know them (I take "them" to mean the Bush administration) by their fruits." Amen.

JT Evans said...

The link was to a story about a high muckamuck Bushie, born again, no doubt, who was busted for running a shoplifting scam at Target.