Sunday, February 26, 2006

Must Be My Deodorant -- Or My Rapier Wit and Merciless Logic

I wish people who read my blog -- people tell me they read my blog -- would feel free to COMMENT. "Boring" or "Bullshit" would be just as acceptable as "Agreed" or "Brilliant." Note that all my examples are one word, but feel free to say more as the spirit moves you.

I download and read all the columns of Molly Ivins (Fort Worth Star-Telegram) periodically, and it starts out being fun because she nails the bastards to the wall -- Texas Governor Rick "Goodhair" Perry, Tom DeLay, George W. "Shrub" Bush -- she wants to ask him in an interview, "Are you the worst president since James Buchanan? Or have you never heard of him?" -- John Boehner, the crooked joker who succeeded the crooked DeLay ("he may be succeeded but he'll never be replaced"), Alberto Gonzales the pathetic pipsqueak who of course didn't insist on being sworn into a hearing when Sen. Specter excused him -- but reading a whole bunch of them at a time is like eating a huge steak. It makes you sick. Mind you, in no way am I attacking the messenger for telling the truth. Molly is the one who warned us about Bush, having covered his term as governor of Texas. She told us that history would repeat itself, as it had repeated itself during the governorship. Frat boy uses his connections to get involved in some enterprise or another then has his rich friends bail him out and cover it all up for him. She's the one who introduced us to Karl Rove, the man known affectionately to "Shrub" as "Turd Blossom." (I wonder what Shrub would have nicknamed Hermann Goering? "Cuddles"?)

Molly Ivins. Worth a read:

1 comment:

johnnie said...

Well said. Sorry, I forget to read your blog,Pop. Did you ever get that RSS feed hooked up? If you did, I'll add you to my front page, that way I won't miss a post.